Measuring size & concentration of nanoparticles

in real time and in a single drop



Continuously monitor your viral vector solutions for gene and cell therapy. Lentiviruses, adenoviruses, Baculoviruses from 80 nm to 500 nm…


Extracellular vesicles

Measure different types of EVs to vectorize, diagnose or treat, over a size range of 80 nm to 500 nm.



Analyze complex mixtures of phages for applications in ecology and phagotherapy. T4, P1 from 80 nm…



Characterize in real time nano-object in a drop. Nanoplastics, Gold, Sliver, fluorescent or luminescent nanobeads from 40 nm…


Measure in a single drop the concentration and the size of nanoparticles
in less than one minute ? Let’s go…

An ultra fast measurement
thanks to 4 decisive advantages

Videodrop films in real time nanoparticles between 40 nm & 500 nm and provides a microscopic view up to 10µm in a drop. The compact device, assisted by a dedicated software, allows the manipulation to be very easy to perform. No labeling is necessary on the analyzed sample. It is possible to work on unpurified solutions and on little volumes (5µL) with a concentration range of 10^8 to 10^10 particles/ml.


Results in real time


to use


No labeling


No purification


4 examples of analyses performed with the Videodrop

HIV virus (courtesy of CEMIPAI)

100 nm polystyrene spheres

Phages cocktail

Blood plasma with extracellular vesicles


Based on the principles of interferometry, the Videodrop allows to « see » nanometric particles in the range of 40-500 nm.

The observation is done in 3 steps.

The device

A solution of 5 to 10µL containing nanoparticles is placed on a microwell lighted by a simple LED, while an optic system, coupled to a camera, films their movements.

The video

The resulting movie shows in real time the displacement of the nanoparticles.
A tracking algorithm allows to follow the trajectory of the observed objects.

Observation of a drop in the Videodrop:
Each black/white point is corresponding to the interferometric signal of a nanoparticle.

The Analysis

Thanks to its dedicated software, the calculation of speeds and distances of the trajectories enables to define the type, the size, and the number of observed elements.
The result is displayed on the user’s interface almost instantly.

User’s interface of the Videodrop. The results of the analysis are displayed in real time.

ABOUT Myriade

Myriade is a French company created in 2017 that develops an innovative nanoscale imaging technology.

Myriade was born from the partnership between Quattrocento (Company builder, specialized in equipments for life sciences), Paris Sciences et Lettres, and the scientific team.

Based on the works of the Langevin Institute, a French academic laboratory specialized in optical and ultrasonic technologies for life sciences, the technology Videodrop relies on a single-arm interferometric technique.

It makes it possible to visualize without labeling living nanoparticles such as viruses, phages, or extracellular vesicles.

The process was developed by Professor Claude Boccara at the request of the Professor Martine Boccara, specialist in virology, who was looking for a quick method to list viruses present in seawater samples collected during the Tara Oceans expedition in 2013.

*The technology is protected by a family of patents.


The aim of the Tara Oceans expedition was to take stock of marine plankton ecosystems (from viruses to fish larvae) in order to understand their functioning, but also to anticipate their relationship with climatic changes.
It sailed for 6 months and traveled 25 000 km to complete its mission. And on May 22, 2015, the prestigious journal Science was publishing the first five major scientific results of the expedition. Since then, hundreds of researchers from prestigious institutions analyze the collected samples and multiply the discoveries.

The boat Tara Oceans left Lorient on May 19, 2013, to come back on December 6 of the same year after having traveled 25 000 km.


Full-field interferometry for counting and differentiating aquatic biotic nanoparticles: from laboratory to Tara Oceans, Martine Boccara, Yasmina Fedala, Catherine Venien Bryan, Marc Bailly-Bechet, Chris Bowler, and Albert Claude Boccara, Biomedical Optics Express Vol. 7, Issue 9, pp. 3736-3746 (2016)

Experimental Evaluation of an Interferometric Light Microscopy Particle Counter for Titering and Characterization of Virus Preparations. Turkki V, Alppila E, Ylä-Herttuala S, Lesch HP.  Viruses. 2021 May 19;13(5):939. doi: 10.3390/v13050939. PMID: 34069520; PMCID: PMC8160961.

Utilization of interferometric light microscopy for the rapid analysis of virus abundance in a river , Celine Roose-Amsaleg, Yasmina Fedala, Catherine Venien-Bryan, Josette Garnier, Albert-Claude Boccara, Martine Boccara, Research in Microbiology (2017)


Pr Martine Boccara
Virologist, Professor at the UPMC, former member of IBENS, researcher at the Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle.

Pr Claude Boccara
French physicist, specialized in optics. He is honorary scientific director of ESPCI and member of the scientific council of the Langevin Institute.

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